Preparedness Unit Responsibilities, Goals, and Objectives
The HPP Preparedness Unit’s areas of responsibility include the development of plans, training, exercises, and guidance in support of the HPP’s mission and responsibilities as the lead Emergency Support Function 8 (ESF8) organization (Health and Medical) of the State Emergency Response Team (SERT) under the North Carolina Emergency Operations Plan (NCEOP).
The broad goals of the Preparedness Unit include the:
- Improvement of ESF8 incident management and operations during preparedness, response, and recovery phases
- Improvement of awareness and integration of ESF8 capabilities and components into plans, training, and exercises, statewide and, in particular, with SERT partner organizations
- Improvement of guidance to and coordination of the SMRS organizations into ESF8 plans, training, and exercises
To fulfill these goals, the Preparedness Unit works to:
- Identify necessary planning, education, and training in accordance with state and ASPR (Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response) objectives and guidance
- Coordinate and/or participate in relevant regional, state, and Region IV, planning, training, and exercise groups, committees, etc.
- Develop or update, as necessary, the NCOEMS-HPP EOP, ESF8 state-level plans, NCEOP annexes, Region IV plans, and others as requested
- Provide planning, training, and exercise guidance to SMRS organizations in accordance with state and ASPR objectives and guidance
- Integrate HPP Information Systems into ESF8 plans, training, and exercises statewide.

Training and Exercises
The HPP Preparedness Unit is responsible for the facilitation of training inside of the program as well as for providing assistance to the healthcare preparedness coalitions. These trainings may include classes in a virtual or face to face environment, as well as tabletop or functional exercises.
The training and exercise coordinator utilizes NC TERMS as a platform for advertising upcoming classes and exercises, as well as managing registration. Please visit NC TERMS for currently scheduled classes.