Mobile Disaster Hospital
The North Carolina Mobile Disaster Hospital is a medical continuity of operations asset designed to aid in the recovery of healthcare infrastructure and support community resiliency in times of disaster.
The Mobile Disaster Hospital can be deployed in the continental United States (CONUS) or outside the continental United States (OCONUS) to augment and/or temporarily replace a medical facility or local healthcare infrastructure affected by a disaster or emergent event. The MDH is scalable and modular in its design to meet the varied needs of that specific community.
The MDH will deploy with a MDH Hospital Support Team (HST) that primarily includes logistic support and emergency management liaisons.
The MDH has been deployed in both the US and abroad.
Previous deployments:
- 2012, Charlotte NC- Democratic National Convention
- 2014, Louisville MS- F3 tornado Direct Strike to Winston County Medical Center
- 2015, Louisburg NC – Franklin County Health Department
- 2016, Kinston NC- Hurricane Matthew Flooding
- 2017, Marathon FL- Hurricane and Flooding to Fisherman’s Community Hospital
- 2017, St. Croix USVI- Hurricane Maria Damaged Hospital
- 2018, Kinston NC- Hurricane Florence Flooding
- 2019, Ocracoke Island NC- Hurricane Dorian, Ocracoke Health Center Flooding
- 2020, Atlanta GA- Grady Hospital Flooding
- 2021, Lumberton and Smithfield NC- Monoclonal Antibody Sites
Healthcare Supply Warehouse
The North Carolina Healthcare Supply Warehouse is a central receiving and shipping point for healthcare related personal protective equipment (PPE). The warehouse receives vetted requests for PPE, matches the requests against the warehouse inventory system, fills the orders and ships them to the requestor.
The NC Healthcare Supply Warehouse was created from necessity when COVID-19 started. Overall, since the warehouse was opened, it has facilitated approximately over 30,000 (and counting) requests for PPE from North Carolina Healthcare Facilities and others.
State Medical Assistance Teams (SMAT)
The SMAT is a multidisciplinary volunteer team of medical and non-medical professionals established to provide medical support for short and long term disasters or catastrophic events. Roles in which the SMAT can provide support include set up and provision of a mobile treatment facility, regional and state logistics support, and community alternate care site support. SMAT teams are managed by the Healthcare Preparedness Coalitions (HPCs). Learn more about the HPCs here: or by clicking coalitions on the menu above.